Just Finished My Latest Website Design Using Squarespace
Do you remember the 90s or even the early 2000s? I do. I remember when you had to use a dial up modem just to "connect" to the internet. The ridiculous sound it made while it dialed into the connection was both horrifying and comedic. Back in those days, businesses would spend 10s of thousands of dollars to create their website. They'd have to hire a web design company and probably wait months on end while the site was being created.
But those days are gone now. Today we have access to great technology and businesses that offer excellent products to help us creatives get the job done.
I'm a one man shop. I do everything. I mean E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G. Design. Photography. Drop off tshirt orders. Go to meetings. Pay bills. Take out the trash. So when I first heard about Squarespace, I thought it would be a great option for my business. The templates are nicely designed and there are so many amazing options. They already made it mobile ready so whatever I designed on the desktop version would easily translate to mobile versions.
If you need a new website definitely go check them out. www.squarespace.com And if you need help in creating your site, get in touch with me.
When Oscar contacted me about designing his website, I was really excited. Having worked with Oscar on a previous project, I knew we would give me great direction, but also freedom to create.
One of the things that really stood out with this project was the graphic he wanted to create for the home page. I asked Oscar what he wanted people to feel when they visited his site. He sent me a list that included words like: inspire, heartfelt, approachable, empower, encourage. With those words in mind I created the graphic. It started off as an idea and a sketch, but ended up being the amazing visual welcome mat that it is.
Here are some images of the design process and details of the site. If you are interested in learning more about Oscar's business go visit: www.aspirabiz.com