Busy, Busy, but a Good Busy
What a crazy blur it's been the last month and a half. It's definitely been super busy. Some of it has been work related and some of it has been personal. The personal things that kept me busy were definitely worth it! The highlight was my little brother getting married! What an amazing day filled with so many emotions. It was the culmination of so much thought and planning, it's amazing how quickly the day came and went.
It seemed like I got a lot of printing jobs this past month. Don't get me wrong. I love design work. The thought process, the sketching, the creativity. Coming up with a solution to a design problem really gets my creative mind going. But there's something even more rewarding about seeing the design come to life on a shirt, brochure, or anything else we can think to print on. Call me old fashioned, but i dig that stuff.
Here are some of the projects my awesome clients have asked me to work on. Contact me if you would like to work on something together!
Embroidered Dickies shirts for Steins Beer Garden's management team. I love how crisp and clear the embroidery came out. Don't cheap out on embroidery, the more stitches the better. And go check out Steins new spot in Cupertino!
World Mission Volleyball shirts. The front was screen printed and the names and numbers were printed using fashion film. I love how sweet the White and Orange stand out on the black Dri Fit shirt. And it's a nod to the SF Giants!
The awesome team wearing the shirts. The got first place in the tournament this year! Good job Tim! Hope you guys can defend your title next year!